Friday, 14 December 2007

The North/South divide

The North/South divide is a subject I’ve come to be familiar with over the last few years. Although Leeds University is more like a north-London transplant, I managed to befriend a good proportion of the northern students during the three years I was there. And living and working in Leeds for a year after I graduated, having a season ticket for the Rhinos and playing water polo for the city, I actually spoke to people from the north – something the vast majority of students never did.

I even lived with a northerner last year, which was great after we established a few house rules – such as using cutlery and the lavatory, and not speaking in grunts. (Before I go any further, that was a JOKE! - I say this mainly because I can only imagine the sadistic plans Fay and Shep are scheming as they read this!)

Joking and northerner-bating aside, I'm actually writing to say I think there is a strong bias towards the south in national newspapers. And I don't think it's right at all. I do understand the pretty obvious reason that all nationals are based in London, and most of the reporters, editors, subs etc etc are from down south, but they should be much more aware of what is going on north of Luton.

From what I gather by talking to northerners, they don't buy nationals because they don't feel any connection with them at all. Why would they buy a paper that may as well be called The London Loop? This is probably why papers such as the Liverpool Echo and Manchester Evening News aren't doing too badly in these slash-and-burn days.

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